Pitcher Pump Parts
Pitcher Pump Parts for the Simmons #1160 Pitcher Pump. These parts may also work with other brands and models. Check measurements and description before ordering. A foot valve is required for proper operation of the pump. Keep your pitcher pump operating it's best with these replacement parts. At the bottom of the page you'll find a diagram of the Pitcher Pump along with a list of the various parts.
What is a Pitcher Pump?
Pitcher Pumps are great for shallow wells with a water level of 20-24 feet from the bottom of the pump (This is where the water is actually being pulled from). The shallow well hand pitcher pump can be used to pump water from rain barrels or ponds. It can also be used as a drinking-water pump to draw water from a well 20' deep, or less. It attaches to common plumbing connectors, it is very easy to install, and it will provide years of trouble-free use with minimal maintenance.
Hints & Tips
Only pump water
You can use either Steel or PVC Pipe
Make certain all pipe joints are air and water tight
Nevery operate the pump dry, damage may occur
Fill the pump with water (Priming) before starting the pump
Always use a Foot Valve (Keeps the Prime and prevents debris from entering the Pipe or Pump)